Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The web browser administrator is separated into a number of options:
n Global: Displays global stats about your cluster, including the number of
servers, the number of players, and how long the server has been run-
ning. The number of servers in the cluster does not equal individual
servers, but services. A useful option here is to see the load on the serv-
ers. A low load means your servers are handling the account and user
requests; if you are getting a heavy load (displayed as red text) for a
period of time, you should consider moving a service to another server
to lighten the load and give players a better play experience. See
Figure 5.22.
Figure 5.22
The Global Status page.
n Cluster Nodes: All the servers that are involved in the cluster, including
account, world, and proxy servers. It displays the properties and IPs of
the servers, as well as the number of clients and bandwidth usage.
See Figure 5.23.
n Zones: Information about the zone instances in your cluster. In the
default game project this includes the default zone and the main menu
areas (character screens). See Figure 5.24.
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