Game Development Reference
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To create our own version of FriendDisplay (MyFriendDisplay), we override the
method in MyFriendsDisplay as shown:
public override function
createNewFriendsDisplay(av:GameAvatarClient):FriendDisplay {
return new MyFriendDisplay(av);
If we explored the PlayerDisplay, we will find that the little circle sprite registers for
a mouse-click event that handles the request to make friends with the corresponding
avatar associated with the PlayerDisplay instance.
protected function makeFriend(event:MouseEvent):void {
var gc:GameClient;
gc = PulseGame.getInstance().getGameClient();
Similarly, when a friend relation is broken by clicking on the little square sprite on
the Friend Display object, a request is sent to the server in code as shown below:
protected function breakFriend(event:MouseEvent):void {
var gc:GameClient;
gc = PulseGame.getInstance().getGameClient();
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