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In-Depth Information
f funDaMentals of
i nforMation e nCryption
4.1 Introduction
Nowadays, information has a good value in our world, so information
should be secured. Computer networks made a revolution in informa-
tion usage possible. An authorized user can exchange the information
from a distance using computer networks. To secure the information,
we need to be able to hide it from unauthorized access, which is called
confidentiality; protect it from unauthorized modification, which is
called integrity; and make it available to an authorized entity, which
is called availability [36].
This chapter gives the main basics of the design of cryptographic
algorithms. A review of the various issues found when selecting,
designing, and measuring a cryptographic algorithm is presented.
Diffusion-based cipher algorithms, along with their modes of opera-
tion, are covered in this chapter. Chaotic encryption with a Baker
map is also discussed.
4.2 Basic Concepts of Cryptography
4.2.1 Goals of Cryptography
Cryptography should accomplish the following four goals [37,38]:
• Confidentiality
• Data integrity
• Authentication
• Nonrepudiation
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