Database Reference
In-Depth Information
SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX), DecryptByKey(dbo.
[Employee-Encryption].Name)) AS Name,
CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX), DecryptByKey(dbo.[Employee-
Encryption].Department)) AS Department,
CON VERT(nvarchar(MAX), DecryptByKey(dbo.
[Employee-Encryption].Salary)) AS
Salary, dbo.[Employee-Encryption].TC
FROM dbo.[Employee-Encryption] INNER JOIN
dbo.vwVisibleLabels ON dbo.[Employee-
Encryption].TC = dbo.vwVisibleLabels.ID
9.4 Source Code of the Microsoft Visual Studio C#
The source code of the Microsoft visual studio C# will be divided into
five parts:
• Create classes that help the window forms in performing the
database operations and parsing the SQL query statement.
• Create login form to authenticate the user and to identify his
security classification level.
• Create queries form to generate multiple query forms inside
at the same session.
• Create query form to be used in writing the SQL query state-
ment for each model from the multilevel database security
• Create concurrency control form to be used in simulating
the concurrency control in the multilevel database security
9.4.1 Source Code of the Classes
• DBOperations class
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
///Summary description for Class1
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