Database Reference
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expression that may include conditions involving classification attri-
butes. t i(temp) is a temporary tuple for the decrypted data during the
execution of the delete statement. D(K,E(K,t i )) is the decryption of
the encrypted data value in the tuple t i by a symmetric encryption key.
C i = L(user)
K = KCi
For 1≤i≤n
IF (t i [TC]= L(user)
t i(temp) = D(K, E(K, t i ))
If (t i(temp) = p)
Delete ti
i = i +1
Else IF (t i [TC] L(user))
Mark to be deleted by high user.
i = i+1
i = i+1
The DELETE statement is permitted if the database state satisfies the
entity integrity, the foreign key integrity, and the referential integrity
6.4.3 he SELECT Statement
The SELECT statement executed by a user with security class level L
has the following general form [82]:
SELECT [A 1 ,A 2 ,...,A n ] FROM R
where R is the relation name, [ A 1 ,A 2 ,...,A n ] are the attributes names,
and P is a predicate expression that may include conditions involving
the security classification attributes. ti (temp) is a temporary tuple for
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