Database Reference
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• Data attribute A i and security classification level attribute
C i (2 ≤  i  ≤  n ):
i = defines that the data
t [ A 1 ] can be altered by users with tc security classifica-
tion level. [
( ])
tE C i can be modified by users with tc or
c i security classification levels. When t [ C i ] < t [ TC ], t [ A i ] ≠
null is defined as a tuple borrowed from the t ′[ A i ] of t ′ that
has t ′[ A 1 , C 1 ] = t [ A 1 , C 1 ] ∧ t ′[ TC ] = t ′[ c i ] = t [ c i ].
• Null value:
t [ A i , C i ] = [null, c i ], ( c i < tc ) means that for each data attri-
bute A i , there are users with tc security classification level
that expect to borrow data owned by users with ci i secu-
rity classification level. Both t [ A i , C i ] = [null, null] and
t [ A i C i ] = [null, tc ] mean that there are no data available
in the data attribute A i . The [null, null] case applies when
tc  ∉ { L i , …,  H i }; the [null, tc] case applies otherwise.
6.3 Integrity Properties
6.3.1 Entity Integrity
In the entity integrity (EI) properties, a multilevel relational database
instance r satisfies the entity integrity if the following requirement
exists [77]:
For each tuple t r:
A i AK t [ A i ] ≠ null;
A i, A j AK t [ C i ] = t [ C j ];
A i AK t [ C i ] ≥ t [ C AK ].
The first requirement ensures that no tuple t r has a null value for
any attribute in the primary key attributes AK . The second require-
ment ensures that all the primary key attributes AK should have the
same security classification level in the tuple t r. The third require-
ment states that the security classification level of the nonprimary key
attributes must be greater than or equal to the security classification
level of the primary key attributes.
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