Database Reference
In-Depth Information
f orMal a nalysis
for e nCryption -
b aseD M ultile vel
M oDel for DbMs
6.1 Introduction
This chapter will present the formal analysis for data manipulation
language (DML) operations like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and
DELETE for the encryption-based multilevel model for relational
database management systems. Also, this chapter will give the
soundness, completeness, and the security mathematical proof for the
DML operations of the encryption-based multilevel database model.
The mathematical proofs show that the DML operations transform
any database in the correct state to another database in the correct
state, which indicates the power of the encryption-based multilevel
database model [75].
This model achieves good quality because it satisfies integrity
properties such as entity integrity, polyinstantiation integrity, data
borrow integrity, foreign key integrity, and referential integrity of the
multilevel database.
The work presented in this chapter offers two major contributions
to the field:
• Redefining the mathematical model for the DML operations
for the encryption-based multilevel model
• Proving the soundness, completeness, and security of the
DML operations for the encryption-based multilevel model
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