Database Reference
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C i = L(user)
K = K Ci
Set i = 1
i = i + 1
t i [TC] = L(user)
Ye s
t i = D (K, E (K, t i ))
t i satisfy P
Ye s
Display ti i
Figure 5.3 Flow chart for the select operation in the encryption-based multilevel database
model. (X.-D. Zuo, F.-M. Liu, and C.-B. Ma. 2007. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on
Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Hong Kong, 2158-2163.)
5.3.4 he UPDATE Statement
The UPDATE statement executed by a subject with security class
level L has the following general form:
UPDATE R SET [A 1 = a 1 , A 2 = a 2 ,...,A n = a n ]
where R is the relation name; [A 1 ,A 2 ,...,A n ] are the attribute names;
and P is a predicate expression that may include conditions involv-
ing classification attributes. Only tuples t r with t [ TC ] = L will be
decrypted by key according to the classification level of the subject that
executes the select statement and will be taken into the calculation of P.
For decrypted tuples t r that satisfies the predicate P, r is updated
as follows:
• Create a temporary tuple for decrypted data to store the deleted
tuple during the execution of the DELETE statement.
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