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The speaker announces an event without any personal assessment, so that the
quotations in Example 1.2 has to be marked as neutral as well:
Example 1.2 Es werde Sicherheitskontrollen an den Einlässen geben , sagte
ein Sprecher. (There will be security checks at the entries, a speaker said.) Subjective Quotations
Subjective quotations could be marked as positive, negative,ormixed.Tomake
their decision the annotators should answer the question whether the speaker supports
or dislikes the topic or the expressed intention or announcement. In the following
quotation the speaker explicitly expresses a negative opinion by using the term
“Unverschämtheit” (impertinence). Annotators should rate it as negative:
Example 1.3 “Der Fakt alleine ist eine absolute Unverschämtheit gegenüber
dem Klub und dem Team” , sagte Horstmann. (“The fact alone is an absolute
impertinence toward the club and the team”, Horstmann said.)
The phrase “verdient gewonnen” (corresponds to “deserved to win”) indicates
a positive opinion of the speaker in the following quotation so that this quotation
should be classified as positive:
Example 1.4 Claus Finger war zufrieden: “Das Team hat schnell ins Spiel
gefunden und verdient gewonnen.” (Claus Finger was happy: “The team
quickly got into the game and deserved to win”.) Corpus Overview
The final corpus exclusively contains quotations annotated by at least two annota-
tors. The gold standard answers were determined by majority voting. We discarded
quotations where the annotators predominantly disagreed or where the majority of
the annotators marked a quotation as don't know. The inter-annotator agreement
amounts to 79 %. Figure 1.6 shows the distribution of neutral, positive, negative,
and mixed quotations. The majority of the quotations, namely 86 %, are neutral,
whereas only 8 % of the quotation are positive and only 5 % negative.Thus,we
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