Information Technology Reference
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9.3.1 Questionnaire
In order to address the first research question on employees' perception of gamifica-
tion principles, we created an online questionnaire where participants were asked to
judge various statements on a Five-Point Likert scale. In the remainder of this section,
we provide further details about the participating subjects and their responses. Subject Recruitment and Details
We recruited participants by sending a brief introduction and a link to the online
questionnaire to a mailing list of our research institute at an electrical engineering and
computer science department of a major European technical university. Subscribers
of this mailing list are over 140 members of this institute, including faculty members,
administrative staff, postdoctoral researchers, Ph.D. students, and student research
assistants. Given that all subjects are members of a technical research institute, we
assume that all participants are highly familiar with using computer systems. To
the best of our knowledge, none of the participants has professional experience
with gamification in an enterprise setting. In order to participate, subjects had to
authenticate using their institute account. We received a response from 53 subjects
(6 female, 47 male), i.e., over one-third of all subscribers of the mailing list. As
part of the questionnaire, they were asked to provide their age in a predefined range.
Twenty-three subjects claim to be between 18-29years old, 26 subjects are between
30-39years old, 3 subjects are between 40-49years old, and one to be 50years or
older. Since this distribution roughly matches our institute's age and sex distribution,
we argue that the participants are a representative subset of the institute's workforce. Participants' Responses
In the remainder of this section, we introduce all statements that the participants had
to answer on a Five-Point Likert scale.
In the first question ( Q 1 : “contribution”), we asked them to state how often they
share or contribute content on enterprise systems such as Wikis or Enterprise CMS.
Here, we could observe a rather conservative pattern, i.e., 33.9% (18 in total) of
all subjects said that they sometimes contribute content, 33.9% (18) said that they
seldom contribute and 11.3% (6) never share or contribute on such systems. Only
20.7% said that they often (8) or very often (3) contribute content. These answers
are in line with our own (subjective) observations and the analysis of Wikipedia
contributions by Ortega et al. [ 28 ], showing that content is often contributed by few
After asking the subjects to assess their current contribution and share activities on
enterprise systems, the subjects were asked in question ( Q 2 : “familiarity”), to state
how familiar they are with the term “gamification.” This was also the first time we
mentioned the termgamification in the questionnaire. 66%of all participants claimed
that they were either to a great extent (10 subjects) or somewhat (25) familiar with
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