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he was sleeping at work. Feeling excessively miserable, Steven started reading short
news articles on the Internet, thinking it would make him feel better (but as usual,
it did not). Starting to transform his bad conscience into energy to change his work
attitude, he realized that his boss had sent him an email during his short nap.
“Hi Steven, we need an overview about the requirements management system.
Could you bring it upstairs to me by 6p.m. today!” Steven frowned. “By 6o'clock!
This is less than 1h from now,” he realized. “Writing such an overview in only 1h is
impossible…for me at least.”
Trying to calm down, Steven opened a new tab on his browser and started
reading some short news. Irritated, he stopped. “I really should reconsider my online
behavior,” he thought. “I am way too often procrastinating.” Yet again, he felt exces-
sively miserable. Concerned about what he should send to his boss, he suddenly
remembered the old enterprise bookmarking system that was deployed in his com-
pany. The system was designed to allow employees to collect and share links to
documents. “It was actually quite nice,” he thought. By adding a document link to
the system, one could also provide a short description and categorize the document
using short terms, so-called tags. “Maybe someone shared a link there that can help
me to write this report.” He searched for the system announcement email, because he
could not remember the web address to the system. After Steven found and opened
it in his browser, he was surprised by the small number of overall bookmarks stored
in the system. The system was announced 3years ago and there were only 148 book-
marks in them (in a company with around 200 employees). “Whatever,” he thought
and started to search for all bookmarks with the tags requirements and management .
Within the blink of an eye, the system displayed the one bookmark it had found. This
was very disappointing for Steven. With a slight whoomph sound, his head struck on
the desk and stayed there for a couple of seconds. “What shall I do now?” He already
imagined sitting in front of his boss and apologizing again for missing yet another
internal deadline…
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