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Systems using Bagging replicate instances of objects to better account for unbalanced
classes. For instance, we may assume that a majority of customers prefers a certain
subset of articles. In contrast, a minority of customers may dislike these. Replicating
customers of theminority supports the systemnot to suggest the articles' subset which
the minority dislikes. On the other hand, Boosting simultaneously learns models
with varying parametrization. Thus, systems obtain more robustness by considering
different aspects. Finally, we seek to support the systems as new articles enter the
collections. Applying similar clustering techniques to the collection of articles allows
the system to detect similarity patterns among them. Having established both arti-
cle and item clusters, systems may learn models on their interactions. For instance,
systems may detect that users of user cluster A are particularly likely to buy articles
of item cluster B . Observing preferences of user clusters for particular item clusters
enables the system to better control the selection process.
Acknowledgments This workwas funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy
(BMWi) under funding reference number KF2086104KM3.
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