Information Technology Reference
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ubo:Element s. Those ubo:Element objects can describe an entity, e.g., an artist,
that is covered in an article or define a link to a different View .
Element :TheOWLclass Element marks parts of the website as relevant. An Element
can be an artist on a news page or a link to another ubo:View or external page.
Elements can also refer to each other in one ubo:View to define that Element sare
related. With the ubo:elementRank property, rankings can be defined, e.g., the rank
of the element in a search result list. This is be helpful when computing an interest
model as Elements above the element the user interacted with my not be interesting.
Domain :The Domain defines the topic of a ubo:View or ubo:Application . It allows
us to define a name for it, which can be in the form of a textual description. More
important is the property ubo:domainURL which defines the domain by giving it a
unique URI, which is a commonly agreed description for the topic. It is recommended
to use URLs from large encyclopedic resources such as Wikipedia or its semantic
equivalent DBpedia. This approach, which follows the Linked Data Principles (see [ 6 ,
7 ]), allows other applications to understand what the application or view is about.
User Aspects : User aspects include all information about the user, the device that is
used to access an application and session information. This information allows to
identify a user and to distinguish between different devices that they may use. This can
help to identify contexts, e.g., mobile or at home, and give better recommendations
based on the context. The session information helps to narrow down the context, as
it allows the unambiguous differentiation when the user did what. This allows us to
create context-related information, such as at work, during lunch, etc.
User :The User entity in UBO allows to identify a user. As mentioned in Sect. 7.3 ,
UBO is not focusing on the user itself, but has the goal to collect data about the user
interaction and the context, the environment, of the interaction to have sophisticated
data that allows for inferring interests and intention of a user. Therefore, the User
entity only allows to set a login name, which can be a user name or ID, and to link
it to a Session .
Device :The Device entity describes all relevant properties of a device, mobile, PC,
etc., that helps to later distinguish between different devices of a user. That could be
a notebook and PC which both run the same OS but with different screen resolutions,
or a mobile device. This could be used to adapt UI elements or to determine a context,
office, home, or on the road.
Session Context :TheOWLclass SessionContext describes a time frame when a user
interacted with an application or multiple applications without a longer pause in
between. It defines a start and end time and sets the used devices. A SessionContext
belongs always to one ubo:User .
Interaction Aspects :The interaction aspects cover all entities that help to manage
the actual behavior. Information about what the user did on a webpage (e.g., reading
an article, clicking on a link or hovering over a picture, etc.) is important for later
personalization and recommendation purposes. While the application aspects give
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