Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 1
Intelligent News Aggregator for German
with Sentiment Analysis
Danuta Ploch
Abstract The comprehensive supply of information from different points of view,
e.g., from the thousands of news articles published online every day, is a tremen-
dous advantage of the digital era. However, the immense amount of news material
poses a significant challenge to interested readers: It is hardly possible to fully digest
this wealth of information, so that the need for systems supporting intelligent news
consumption arises. This chapter describes an approach to automatically mining
opinions from topically related news article clusters. We focus our work on the
extraction of quotations from German news articles and on analyzing the quota-
tions according to the sentiments they express. Our approach is realized as a news
aggregation system capable of handling real-world news streams. We describe the
architecture and interface of our news aggregator, and present a rule-based method
for quotation extraction as well as our supervised approach to sentiment analysis.
We evaluate the implemented models on two human-annotated datasets, which can
be made available upon request.
As Many Heads, So Many Opinions ”( Horace )
Since her 15th birthday Clara dreamed of becoming a journalist. She worked for the
school newspapers and was a member of the debating society. Now, after passing
the exams, Clara finally started living her dream. She remembered the day when she
received the good news that they had accepted her application for an internship at
the local newspaper. “That's a great chance for you, don't ruin it”, her father told her.
What a typical statement from her dad, she thought. Why would she ruin it? And
what is there to ruin in an internship anyway? In fact, her tasks so far seemed quite
forward. Even Dad would be able to do that, she thought with a grim on her face. At
the beginning her tasks were restricted to copying articles and typing e-mails, but her
boss quickly recognized her talent and assigned her an important research task for
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