Chemistry Reference
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We can see that even a small content of PP in PET can lead to reduction of poly-
meric compositions deformatively strengthening indexes. It is allowed to note that
percent elongation with rupture decreases to 8% with containing of PP in PET makes
10%. It is insuf¿ cient characteristic for getting secondary raw polymeric materials.
During the inÀ uence of ultrasonic oscillations composition's percent elongation with
rupture is considerably higher than without its impact. So, it is allowed to make a con-
clusion about broadening of technological compatibilities interval of such polymers
like PP and PET.
Thus on the basis of these results, we can conclude about the principle possibility of
changing structure of polymer materials using ultrasonic treatment. The ultrasonic
treatment can improve the compatibility of mixtures of thermodynamically incompat-
ible polymers: therefore, it can be used to develop the technology for co-processing
polymer waste of different chemical nature.
Polyethylene terephthalate
Secondary processing
Thermomechanical curves
Ultrasonic influence
1. Anan'ev, V., Gubanova, M., and Kirsh, I. Influence ultrasonic on polyetelene's properties. Jour-
nal of Polymer Plastics (in Rus.), 6 , 126-128 (2008).
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