Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
vival. Temple visits have increased and large sums of money are flowing into temple re-
Korean Buddhism is also building international attention by operating a Templestay
program for travellers at facilities across the country. Many Koreans take part in these
temple stays, regardless of whether they are Buddhist or not, as a chance to escape societ-
al pressures and clear their minds.
Koreans give their family name irst, followed by their birth name, which is typically two syl-
lables, ie Lee Myung-bak. There are less than 300 Korean family names, with Kim, Lee (or
Yi) and Park accounting for 45% of the total.
Korea's first exposure to Christianity was in the late 18th cen-
tury. It came via the Jesuits from the Chinese imperial court
when a Korean aristocrat was baptised in Beijing in 1784. The
Catholic faith took hold and spread so quickly that it was per-
ceived as a threat by the Korean government and was vigorously
suppressed, creating the country's first Christian martyrs ( CLICK
HERE ) .
Notes on Things Korean
(Suzanne Crowder Han)
Understanding Koreans and their
(Choi Joon-sik)
Christianity got a second chance in the 1880s, with the arrival
of American Protestant missionaries who founded schools and
hospitals, and gained many followers - so many, in fact, that
today Christianity is the nation's second most popular religion
after Buddhism.
Korea Bug
(J Scott Burgeson)
The 48 Keywords that Describe
(Kim Jin-woo & Lee Nam-
Historically, shamanism influenced Korean spirituality. It's not a religion but it does in-
volve communication with spirits through intermediaries known as mudang (female
shamans). Although not widely practised today, shamanist ceremonies are held to cure ill-
ness, ward off financial problems or guide a deceased family member safely into the spirit
Ceremonies involve contacting spirits who are attracted by lavish offerings of food and
drink. Drums beat and the mudang dances herself into a frenzied state that allows her to
communicate with the spirits and be possessed by them. Resentments felt by the dead can
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