Java Reference
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The policy file needs to grant two permissions: ExceptionReporterPermission
exc.reporter and RuntimePermission loadlibrary.myLib .Thefollowingpolicyfile
assumes that the preceding sources reside in the c:\package directory on a Windows-
based system.
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grant codeBase "file:/c:/package" {
// For *nix, file:${user.home}/package/
permission ExceptionReporterPermission "exc.reporter";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "loadLibrary.myLib";
By default, permissions cannot be defined to support actions using Basic-Permis-
sion , but the actions can be freely implemented in the subclass Exception-Reporter-
Permission if required. BasicPermission is abstract even though it contains no ab-
stract methods; it defines all the methods that it extends from the Permission class. The
custom-defined subclass of the BasicPermission class must define two constructors to
call the most appropriate (one- or two-argument) superclass constructor (because the su-
even though a basic permission does not use it. This behavior is required for construct-
ing permission objects from the policy file. Note that the custom-defined subclass of the
BasicPermission class is declared to be final .
Running Java code without defining custom permissions where default permissions are
inapplicable can leave an application open to privilege escalation vulnerabilities.
[API 2013]
Class FilePermission
Class SecurityManager
[Oaks 2001]
“Permissions” subsection of Chapter 5, “The Access Controller,”
[Oracle 2011d]
Permissions in the Java SE 6 Development Kit (JDK)
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