Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Callers that lack permission to create an appropriate AccessControlContext can re-
quest one using AccessController.getContext() to create the instance.
Failure to follow the principle of least privilege can result in untrusted, unprivileged code
performing unintended privileged operations. However, carefully restricting privileges
adds complexity. This added complexity and the associated reduction of maintainability
must be traded off against any security improvement.
[API 2013]
Class AccessController
[Oracle 2013a]
API for Privileged Blocks
17. Minimize privileged code
Programs must comply with the principle of least privilege not only by providing priv-
ilegedblockswiththeminimumpermissionsrequiredforcorrectoperation(see Guideline
16 , Avoidgrantingexcessprivileges ),butalsobyensuringthatprivilegedcodecontains
only thoseoperations thatrequireincreased privileges. Superfluouscodecontained within
Noncompliant Code Example
This noncompliant code example contains a changePassword() method that attempts to
open a password file within a doPrivileged block and performs operations using that
file. The doPrivileged block also contains a superfluous System.loadLibrary() call
that loads the authentication library.
Click here to view code image
public void changePassword(String currentPassword,
String newPassword) {
final FileInputStream f[] = { null };
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