Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The storeDateInDB() method accepts an untrusted date argument and attempts to
make a defensive copy using its clone() method. This allows an attacker to take control
of the program by creating a malicious date class that extends Date . If the attacker's code
runs with the same privileges as store-DateInDB() , the attacker merely embeds mali-
cious code inside their clone() method:
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class MaliciousDate extends java.util.Date {
public MaliciousDate clone() {
// malicious code goes here
attacker can bypass validation but still confound the remainder of the program. Consider
this example:
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public class MaliciousDate extends java.util.Date {
private static int count = 0;
public long getTime() {
java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date();
return (count++ == 1) ? d.getTime() : d.getTime() - 1000;
Thismaliciousdatewillappeartobeabenigndateobjectthefirsttimethat getTime()
isinvoked.Thisallowsittobypassvalidationinthe storeDateInDB() method.However,
the time that is actually stored in the database will be incorrect.
Compliant Solution
This compliant solution avoids using the clone() method. Instead, it creates a new
java.util.Date object that is subsequently used for access control checks and insertion
into the database.
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