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Ensure Data Security
9. Prevent LDAP injection
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) allows an application to remotely
perform operations such as searching and modifying records in directories. LDAP injec-
tion results from inadequate input sanitization and validation, and allows malicious users
to glean restricted information using the directory service.
A whitelist can be used to restrict input to a list of valid characters. Characters and
character sequences that must be excluded from whitelists—including Java Naming and
Directory Interface (JNDI) metacharacters and LDAP special characters—are listed in
Table 1-1 .
Table 1-1. Characters and sequences to exclude from whitelists
LDAP Injection Example
Consider an LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file that contains records in the fol-
lowing format:
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dn: dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: dcobject
objectClass: organization
o: Some Name
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