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Noncompliant Code Example
ment that is responsible for printing the input:
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private static void evalScript(String firstName)
throws ScriptException {
ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("javascript");
engine.eval("print('"+ firstName + "')");
An attacker can enter a specially crafted argument in an attempt to inject malicious
JavaScript. This example shows a malicious string that contains JavaScript code that can
create or overwrite an existing file on a vulnerable system.
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var bw = new JavaImporter(;
var fw = new JavaImporter(;
with(fw) with(bw) {
bwr = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(\"config.cfg\"));
bwr.write(\"some text\"); bwr.close();
// ;
The script in this example prints “ dummy ” and then writes “ some text ” to a configura-
tion file called config.cfg . An actual exploit can execute arbitrary code.
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