Java Reference
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boolean validated = false;
if (rememberMe) {
if (request.getCookies()[0] != null &&
request.getCookies()[0].getValue() != null) {
String[] value =
if (value.length != 2) {
// Set error and return
if (!loginService.mappingExists(value[0], value[1])) {
// (username, random) pair is checked
// Set error and return
} else {
validated = loginService.isUserValid(username, password);
if (!validated) {
// Set error and return
String newRandom = loginService.getRandomString();
// Reset the random every time
loginService.mapUserForRememberMe(username, newRandom);
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session = request.getSession(true);
// Set session timeout to 15 minutes
session.setMaxInactiveInterval(60 * 15);
// Store user attribute and a random attribute
// in session scope
session.setAttribute("user", loginService.getUsername());
Cookie loginCookie =
new Cookie("rememberme", username + ";" + newRandom);
//... forward to welcome page
} else { // No remember-me functionality selected
//... authenticate using isUserValid(),
// and if failed, set error
Arrays.fill(password, ' ');
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