Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Confusing a volatile object with the volatility of its member objects is a similar error
to the one described in Guideline 73 , “ Never confuse the immutability of a reference with
that of the referenced object .
Noncompliant Code Example (Arrays)
This noncompliant code example declares a volatile reference to an array object:
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final class Foo {
private volatile int[] arr = new int[20];
public int getFirst() {
return arr[0];
public void setFirst(int n) {
arr[0] = n;
// ...
Values assigned to an array element by one thread—for example, by calling
setFirst() —might not be visible to another thread calling getFirst() , because the
volatile keyword guarantees safe publication only for the array reference; it makes no
guarantee regarding the actual data contained within the array.
This problem arises when the thread that calls setFirst() and the thread that calls
getFirst() lack a happens-before relationship . A happens-before relationship exists
between a thread that writes to a volatile variable and a thread that subsequently reads it.
However, setFirst() and getFirst() each read from a volatile variable—the volatile
reference to the array. Neither method writes to the volatile variable.
Compliant Solution ( AtomicIntegerArray )
ible to other threads, this compliant solution uses the AtomicIntegerArray class defined
in java.util.concurrent.atomic :
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