Java Reference
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In this solution, the private version value cannot be copied into the Bar class when it
is compiled, consequently preventing the bug. Note that this transformation imposes little
or no performance penalty because most just-in-time (JIT) code generators can inline the
getVersion() method at runtime.
Declaring a value that changes over the lifetime of the software as final may lead to un-
expected results.
According to §9.3, “Field (Constant) Declarations,” of the JLS [JLS 2013], “Every
field declaration in the body of an interface is implicitly public , static , and final . It
is permitted to redundantly specify any or all of these modifiers for such fields.” There-
fore, this guideline does not apply to fields defined in interfaces. Clearly, if the value of a
field in an interface changes, every class that implements or uses the interface must be re-
compiled.See Guideline35 , Carefullydesigninterfacesbeforereleasingthem , ”formore
Constants declared using the enum type are permitted to violate this guideline.
Constants whose value never changes throughout the entire lifetime of the software
maybedeclaredas final .Forexample,theJLSrecommendsthatmathematicalconstants
be declared final .
[JLS 2013]
§4.12.4, “ final Variables”
§, “ static Fields”
§9.3, “Field (Constant) Declarations”
§13.4.9, “ final Fields and Constants”
32. Avoid cyclic dependencies between packages
Both The Elements of Java Style [Allen2000]andtheJPLJavaCodingStandard[Have-
lund 2009] require that the dependency structure of a package must never contain cycles;
that is, it must be representable as a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
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