Java Reference
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FileTime modified2 = attr2.lastModifiedTime();
if ( (!creation1.equals(creation2)) ||
(!modified1.equals(modified2)) ) {
// File was tampered with, handle error
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
// Handle error
Although this solution is reasonably secure, a determined attacker could create a sym-
bolic link with the same creation and last-modified times as the original file. Also, a
the attributes are read and the file is reopened.
Compliant Solution (POSIX fileKey Attribute)
In environments that support the fileKey attribute, a more reliable approach is to check
thatthe fileKey attributesofthetwofilesarethesame.The fileKey attributeisanobject
that “uniquely identifies the file” [API 2013], as shown in this compliant solution:
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public void processFile(String filename) throws IOException{
// Identify a file by its path
Path file1 = Paths.get(filename);
BasicFileAttributes attr1 =
Files.readAttributes(file1, BasicFileAttributes.class);
Object key1 = attr1.fileKey();
// Open the file for writing
try (BufferedWriter bw =
new BufferedWriter(
new Out-
putStreamWriter(Files.newOutputStream(file1)))) {
// Write to file
} catch (IOException e) {
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