Java Reference
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The @GuardedBy annotations on the xPos and yPos fields indicate that access to these
fields is protected by holding a lock on this . The move() method also synchronizes on
this , which modifies these fields. The @GuardedBy annotation on the memo list indicates
that a lock on the ArrayList object protects its contents. The rememberPoint() method
also synchronizes on the memo list.
One issue with the @GuardedBy annotation is that it fails to indicate when there is a
relationship between the fields of a class. This limitation can be overcome by using the
SureLogic @RegionLock annotation, which declares a new region lock for the class to
a particular lock object with a region of the class. The region may be accessed only when
thelockisheld.Forexample,the SimpleLock lockingpolicyindicatesthatsynchronizing
on the instance protects all of its state:
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@RegionLock("SimpleLock is this protects Instance")
class Simple { ... }
Unlike @GuardedBy , the @RegionLock annotation allows the programmer to give an
explicit, and hopefully meaningful, name to the locking policy.
In addition to naming the locking policy, the @Region annotation allows a name to be
given to the region of the state that is being protected. That name makes it clear that the
state and locking policy belong together, as demonstrated in the following example:
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@Region("private AircraftPosition")
@RegionLock("StateLock is stateLock protects AircraftPosition")
public final class Aircraft {
private final Lock stateLock = new ReentrantLock();
private long x, y;
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