Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public CallBackAction(CallBack callback) {
this.callback = callback;
public void perform() {
This code behaves the same as before, but an attacker can no longer execute malicious
callback code with elevated privileges. Even though an attacker can pass a malicious call-
back instance using the constructor of class CallBackAction , the code is not executed
with elevated privileges because the malicious instance must contain a doPrivileged
block that cannot have the same privileges as trusted code. Additionally, class CallBack-
Action cannot be subclassed to override the perform() method as it is declared final.
Compliant Solution (Declare Callback Final)
This compliant solution declares the UserLookupCallBack class final to prevent over-
riding of callMethod() .
Click here to view code image
final class UserLookupCallBack implements CallBack {
// ...
// Remaining code is unchanged
rary code execution.
[API 2013]
[Long 2012]
SEC01-J. Do not allow tainted variables in privileged blocks
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