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// Cannot set security manager, log appropriately
Compliant Solution (Custom Security Manager)
This compliant solution demonstrates how to instantiate a custom Security-Manager
class called CustomSecurityManager by invoking its constructor with a password; this
custom security manager is then installed as the active security manager.
Click here to view code image
char password[] = /* initialize */
try {
new CustomSecurityManager("password here")
} catch (SecurityException se) {
// Cannot set security manager, log appropriately
After this code executes, APIs that perform security checks will use the custom secur-
default security manager lacks the required functionality.
Java security fundamentally depends on the existence of a security manager. In its ab-
sence, sensitive actions can execute without restriction.
Programmatic detection of the presence or absence of a SecurityManager at runtime
is straightforward. Static analysis can address the presence or absence of code that would
attempt to install a SecurityManager if the code were executed. Checking whether the
SecurityManager isinstalled early enough,whether itspecifies thedesired properties, or
whether it is guaranteed to be installed may be possible in some special cases, but is gen-
erally undecidable.
Invocationofthe setSecurityManager() methodmaybeomittedincontrolledenvir-
onments in which it is known that a global-default security manager is always installed
from the command line. This is difficult to enforce, and can result in vulnerabilities if the
environment is incorrectly configured.
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