Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
played on consoles such as Microsoft
s Xbox 360, Sony
s handheld PSP, and the
Nintendo Wii
computer games
for those games played on PCs or Macs.
Some highlights you may find useful:
n 67% of households in the United States play computer or video games.
n The average game player age is 34.
n In 2010, 26% of gamers were over the age of 50.
n 60% of gamers are male; 40% female.
n Women age 18 or older represent a significantly greater portion of the
game-playing population (33%) than boys age 17 or younger (20%).
n Parents are present at the time that games are purchased or rented 93%
of the time.
n Parents report always or sometimes monitoring the games their children
play 97% of the time.
The occasional heated news report featuring some politician or civic leader
decrying the horrific numbers of pre-teen boys wallowing in blood and gore
without their parents
s subject is
wallowing in his own ignorance or outright fantasy. If the children wallow, they
wallow with their parents
knowledge reveals instead that the report
permission or indifference. And the numbers of
bloody shoot-em-ups has fallen dramatically in the past few years, eclipsed by
the casual and social game revolution.
As we know, the video game industry has undergone a huge sea change in the
past few years, beginning with the Wii on November 19, 2006, opening up
gaming not just to parents interested in bonding or monitoring their children
gameplay, but also to parents interested in having fun themselves. Hot on the
heels of the Wii came the iPhone on January 9, 2007, with a catalogue of 200,000
apps, thousands of which were casual games. And the last nail in the shooters
coffin were the
social games on Facebook that are played by millions upon
millions of players.
Pre-teen and pre-school children do play games of all varieties; some of them
most of us would consider entirely inappropriate for their age. And until the
invasion by casual and social games, teachers who wanted to use educational
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