Game Development Reference
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Midterm Boss Mob: Frost Lizard
Over 40 feet in length, the frost lizard is the largest and most vicious reptile
known, and its bite is one of the most poisonous. To treat the victim of a frost
lizard, you must create a healing poultice with which to dress the wound.
One of the primary ingredients in this poultice is the blood of the specific
frost lizard that inflicted the wound. So, defeating the creature and
collecting as much of its blood as possible, is the only way to save its
victim. Each adventurer will have the opportunity today to collect up to 50
drops of frost lizard blood. You will receive one XP for every drop of blood
you obtain. Good luck. It won
t give up its blood without a struggle. You may
find you must shed some of your own. And there will be consequences if you
I totaled the XP each of the guilds received on the test. That number became the
number of drops of blood needed to revive the victim of its attack: the creature
howling in pain, as described in Figure 10.10. But that number also needed to be
above a certain threshold or the creature, a snow leopard, would die no matter
how valiant the efforts of the players.
That threshold was a C average for the class. Grades on the midterm were the
highest of any exam I have ever given. The lowest grade was a B-. The average
grade for the class was significantly higher. The snow leopard could be saved.
All guilds had taken the exam and therefore fought the frost lizard. Four were
physically present. The guilds from Miscato and Far Plains participated as
spirits. Once the exam had been graded, there was another series of messages
from the unknown.
The Most Recent Messages
Four messages were very similar. They made it clear that the wounded snow
leopard was to be transported to Miscato to Medea, the witch the guild Park
Rangers were protecting. So five of the six guilds were united in Miscato. Each of
their charges seemed necessary to saving the snow leopard, even though all had
apparently still not recovered their powers. And each NPC had grown strangely
secretive. Once in Miscato, they were faced with a choice: give all the blood they
had recovered from the frost lizard to Medea, or retain it. Figure 10.12 is an
example of one of the messages.
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