Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 10.7
The Park Rangers guild of Miscato is summoned.
The last slide, shown in Figure 10.8, carried more explicit instructions from the
mysterious voice.
I had originally planned to have all guilds converge on a single dining hall, the
Commons. But when it turned out that a number of them did not have dining
passes, some went there; others went to the student union; and the rest braved
the cold outside.
They had already analyzed a real person of their choice for a crafting assign-
ment. So they had an idea of what to expect. Still, working as guilds brought out
more insights as they discussed their observations and theorized on who the
people were: their jobs, attitudes on life, what their relationships might be, and
so on. Some observations reported in the discussion that followed the scouting
expedition were superficial, but others were surprisingly deep for such inex-
perienced stalkers. Sherlock Holmes would have been proud.
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