Game Development Reference
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Indiana University, we had a similar system called Oncourse , which, in turn, was
an adaptation of a competing system called Sakai . These well-meaning tools all
feel cobbled together by any number of programmers who are not educators and
educators who are not programmers. They can be in almost the same breath
helpful and time-saving and frustrating and time-wasting.
Luckily, I had the help of an LMS guru by the name of Marie-Pierre Huguet,
then Instructional Designer at Rensselaer, and her team of talented students.
Marie-Pierre had introduced LMS to my orientation class before my first
semester started. It seemed more flexible than Oncourse, particularly in the
graphical look-and-feel of a course. Oncourse looked like a course adminis-
tration tool. In LMS, we created a map of a fantasy role-playing village for the
class with seven icons representing buildings and other features of the village
(see Figure 7.3).
Figure 7.3
LMS village map of the
Introduction to Game Design Multiplayer Classroom.
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