Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information points out,
When you want them to stop doing something:
first give them extrinsic rewards for doing the unwanted behavior, then remove
the reward.
And intrinsic rewards can have negative effects such as the
justification Effect.
� one last time.
Over-Justification Effect
"This occurs where I attribute my behavior more to a conspicuous extrinsic motivator than to
intrinsic reasons."
What should be clear is that the multiplayer classroom comes with both
extrinsic and intrinsic rewards,
just as MMOs do. And it can be just as
Again, since each guild member received the same grade for the concept
document, I added a secret ballot peer review, so that anyone not contributing
would receive a weighted grade. And again, I was concerned that they would
simply give each other equally high marks or that personal animosity might
factor in. Yet, again, I saw no evidence of either in their rankings. The
assessments they made coincided with my own observations.
was the last class I taught at Indiana University. The
preceding winter I had been approached by two schools seeking to expand their
video game programs. This came at a time when I was increasingly frustrated by
the lack of growth in the program at IU. In the end, the chance to help build an
already top-ranked program took me to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in
Troy, New York. I took the multiplayer classroom with me.
Multiplayer Game Design
Student Evaluation Quotes
Here is a balanced sample of official quotes from students:
The learning environment was outstanding.
It was fairly structured. I liked how we were able to teach each other.
I loved the environment because we learned by playing games and
having hands-on material.
Class is full of like-minded people that enjoy video games as much as I
do, so I would say the environment was great.
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