Global Positioning System Reference
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% Userpos.m use pseudorange and satellite positions to
calculate user position
% JT 30 April 96
% ***** Input data *****
sp(1:3, 1:nsat); % satellite position which has the following
x 1
y 1
z 1
x 2
y 2
z 2
x 3
y 3
z 3
x nn
y nn
z nn
pr(1:nsat); % is the measured pseudorange which has the
format as
% pr=[pr1 pr2 pr3 ... prnn] T ;
nn=nsat; % is the number of satellites
% ***** Select initial guessed positions and clock bias *****
x guess = 0; y guess = 0; z guess = 0; bu = 0;
gu(1) = x guess; gu(2) = y guess; gu(3) = z guess;
% Calculating rao the pseudorange as shown in Equation
% clock bias is not included.
for j = 1:nsat
% generate the fourth column of the alpha matrix in Eq. 2.15
alpha(:,4) = ones(nsat,1);
while erro>.01;
for j = 1:nsat;
for k = 1:3;
alpha(j,k) = (gu(k)-sp(k,j))/(rao(j)); % find first
%3 colums of alpha matrix
drao = pr - (rao + ones(1,nsat)*bu);%** find delta rao
% includes clock bias
dl = pinv(alpha)*drao'; % Equation (2.16) pinv
bu = bu + dl(4);
% new clock bias
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