Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The path beyond Hagg Farm re-enters woodland, following a path that
finally emerges into daylight at a stile, and not far from sewage works.
Follow the boundary fence of the sewage works to meet its access road,
and then press on to meet the main road (A6136) at a bend. Turn right
along the road for about 700m, leaving it at a signposted road on the left,
and continuing in front of a row of houses (Priory Villas) to pass between
barns. In the field that follows, take a green path ascending slightly to the
left until more woodland is entered, running out eventually on the edge of
a playing field beneath the ramparts of Richmond Castle (page 119).
Follow the playing-field boundary ahead to reach the road into Rich-
mond, and here turn right, cross Richmond Bridge (page 119), and then
ascend ahead to the town centre via Bridge Street and New Street, finally
to arrive at the Market Place.
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