Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
2.4.2 Gaps in the global legal regime
A comprehensive legal analysis by IUCN (Gjerde et al ., 2008 ) identified the following reg-
ulatory gaps in the global legal regime with a particular focus on marine areas beyond na-
tional jurisdiction.
Modern conservation principles (such as the ecosystem approach and precautionary
approach) and tools (such as marine protected areas and EIAs and SEAs) are not
consistently incorporated and/or applied in all relevant existing instruments.
Lack of specific requirements for EIAs, monitoring, and reporting area-based meas-
ures and other modern conservation tools to the full range of ocean-based human
activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
Lack of rules or a process to coordinate regulation of interactions between activities
occurring in the high seas water column and on the extended continental shelf of
coastal states.
Lack of effective compliance and enforcement mechanisms.
In addition to these general gaps, there are a number of activities that do not have detailed
international rules and standards. These activities include:
laying of cables and pipelines
construction of various types of installations
unregulated fisheries such as some discrete high seas fish stocks or sharks
grey-water discharges from shipping
oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities on extended continental shelves
military activities (recognizing that government ships on non-commercial service
benefit from sovereign immunity)
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