Geoscience Reference
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1.4 Towards an effective international governance of the
An important step towards an effective governance of the oceans is the design and imple-
mentation of collaborative programmes involving multiple nations, especially in relation to
transboundary ocean areas, shared resources, as well as areas beyond national jurisdiction.
In this regard, a significant contribution can be provided by successful international scientif-
ic cooperation programmes .
Marine science and technology have an important role as regards contributing to good
ocean governance through the provision to decision makers of information on marine sci-
ence and technology. Transfer of technology and appropriate policies to ensure the produc-
tion and dissemination of scientific information are also essential conditions to maximize
the contribution of marine science and technology to a better governance of the oceans.
UNCLOS contains extensive provisions related to marine scientific research (MSR)
and to development and transfer of marine technology. The Convention calls on competent
international organizations to establish general criteria and guidelines to assist states in as-
certaining the nature and implications of MSR. Since the adoption of UNCLOS, major
technological developments have taken place in relation to the study and monitoring of
the oceans, such as the use of satellites, aircraft, ships of opportunity, autonomous vessels,
buoys, and floats. Hence additional guidance on how to deal with such developments can be
provided under the above-mentioned criteria and guidelines.
The provisions of UNCLOS related to MSR do not apply to the collection of meteor-
ological information in the marine environment under the World Meteorological Organiza-
tion (WMO). These activities are routine observations for the collection of data which were
recognized by WMO member states to be of common interest to all countries and to have
universal significance, and collection ofmeteorological data forweather forecasts and warn-
ingsisrecognizedundertheInternational ConventionfortheSafetyofLifeatSea(SOLAS).
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) also calls on
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