Geoscience Reference
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UNCLOS provisions are in principle admissible, state practice may be important in making
one interpretation prevail (regulation through interpretation).
A second, and even more obvious, remark is that, while it provides a solid basis for
the regulation of many matters, it would be illusory to think that the UNCLOS is the end of
legal regulation in the field of law of the sea. Being itself a product of time, the UNCLOS
evolution and progressive development which is linked to states' practice and can also af-
fect the UNCLOS. In two cases, changes with respect to the original UNCLOS regime
agreements (regulation through integration). In another case, because the UNCLOS regime
was clearly unsatisfactory - this happens very seldom, but it cannot be excluded altogeth-
er - a new instrument of universal scope has been drafted to avoid the risk of undesirable
consequences (regulation in another context).
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