Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
9.4.1 Strengthening international cooperation
A number of proposals have been made, emanating from states and civil society, concerning
the possible content of an international instrument under UNCLOS. Some of the core ele-
ments of such proposals include ways to strengthen international cooperation, the applica-
tion of ecosystem approaches and a precautionary approach, the use of best available sci-
entific information and environmental impact assessments, the establishment of marine pro-
tected areas, and mechanisms for sharing the benefits arising out of the exploitation of mar-
ine genetic resources of areas beyond national jurisdiction, as well as facilitating capacity-
building and technology transfer (European Union, 2012 ; Hart, 2008 ; Greenpeace, 2008 ;
Pew, 2012 ) .
Strengthening the implementation of existing instruments also remains a high priority,
as evidenced by the repeated calls of the General Assembly in its resolutions on oceans and
the law of the sea and on sustainable fisheries, to implement UNCLOS and various instru-
ments related, among others, to shipping, the protection and preservation of the marine en-
vironment, marine science, and sustainable fisheries. However, it is generally thought that
the current cross-sectoral approach to the management of human activities in areas beyond
national jurisdiction does not take into account sufficiently the cumulative impacts of those
activities on the ecosystems. A key purpose of the development of a new instrument under
UNCLOS would therefore be to promote and strengthen cross-sectoral cooperation for the
conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdic-
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