Geoscience Reference
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4% Mediterranean Sea, 3% Atlantic Ocean, and <1% Red Sea and Black Sea. The distribu-
tion of fatalities is 74% in the Pacific Ocean, 10% in the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, 9%
in the Mediterranean Sea, and 8% in the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea (NOAA/
NGDC WDC, 2012 ) .
Figure 8.1
Tsunami sources
(adapted from NOAA/NGDC WDC, 2010 © NOAA).
Hazard and risk assessment, monitoring and detection networks, forecasting and warnings,
awareness, education, and preparedness form the backbone of these systems which benefit
from existing infrastructure for ocean-related observations, data management, forecasting,
dissemination of forecasts and warnings, and capacity-building. Through networks of seis-
mic stations, submarine earthquakes or slides that may generate a tsunami are detected and
located ( Figures 8.2 and 8.3 ) .
Figure 8.2
Components of an integrated tsunami warning system (© USAID).
Figure 8.3
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