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be the more recently concluded agreements, while agreements pre-dating UNCLOS do not
often include these concepts. In fact, recent research has shown that newer RFMOs gen-
erally conform better with the newer trends, particularly those pertaining to conservation
measures that have evolved significantly over the years (Cullis-Suzuki and Pauly, 2010 ).
In response to concerns about declining fisheries and biodiversity in the oceans, there
have been recent efforts within the international community to strengthen the conserva-
tion and management regimes of RFMOs, and to improve their performance in accordance
with the demands of international fishery instruments. The UN Fish Stocks Review Con-
ference agreed, in May 2006, that RFMOs should undergo performance reviews on an ur-
gent basis, including independent evaluation, ensuring that results were publicly available.
The December 2006UNGeneral Assembly Resolution onSustainable Fisheries also called
upon countries to develop and apply best practice guidelines for RFMOs, and to undertake
performance reviews of RFMOs, based on transparent criteria. As a result, many RFMOs
are taking steps to strengthen governance through implementing the ecosystem approach to
fisheries and are adopting the precautionary approach.
Table 2.2 (compiled based on Gjerde et al ., 2008 , UNEP, 2010 , and convention web-
sites) summarizes the coverage and provisions of regional fisheries manage ment con-
ventions, including the extent to which they incorporate ecosystem and precautionary ap-
proaches. FAO advisory bodies with no regulatory power are not included in the table.
Table 2.2 Coverage and provisions of Regional Fisheries Management Conventions, including the extent
to which they incorporate ecosystem and precautionary approaches.
Mandate and provisions
Conservation approaches
and tools
Ongoing efforts
for management
of habitats and
The Convention
on Future
Cooperation in
To ensure the long-term
conservation and optimum
utilization of the fishery
resources in the convention
- Covers resources of fish,
molluscs, crustaceans and
including sedentary species,
excluding those covered by
- Closure of areas
from bottom
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