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method. If a test can't verify a feature in isolation, it usually means the code isn't flexi-
ble enough and you should refactor it. Modifying code to test it is normal.
Documenting expected behavior
Imagine you need to learn a new API . On one side is a 300-page document describ-
ing the API , and on the other are some examples showing how to use it. Which
would you choose?
The power of examples is well known. Unit tests are exactly this: examples that
show how to use the API . As such, they make excellent developer documentation.
Because unit tests match the production code, they must always be up to date, unlike
other forms of documentation,
Listing 4.1 illustrates how unit tests help provide documentation. The test-
TransferWithoutEnoughFunds() method shows that an AccountInsufficientFunds-
Exception is thrown when an account transfer is performed without enough funds.
Listing 4.1
Unit tests as automatic documentation
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestAccount {
@Test(expected=AccountInsufficientFundsException. class )
public void tranferWithoutEnoughFunds() {
long balance = 1000;
long amountToTransfer = 2000;
Account credit = new Account(balance);
Account debit = new Account();
credit.transfer(debit, amountToTransfer);
At b we declare the method as a test method by annotating it with @Test and declare
that it must throw the AccountInsufficientFundsException (with the expected
parameter). Next, we create a new account with a balance of 1000 C and the amount
to transfer D . Then we request a transfer of 2000 E . As expected, the transfer
method throws an AccountInsufficientFundsException . If it didn't, JU nit would fail
the test.
Enabling code coverage and other metrics
Unit tests tell you, at the push of a button, if everything still works. Furthermore, unit
tests enable you to gather code-coverage metrics (see the next chapter) showing, state-
ment by statement, what code the tests caused to execute and what code the tests did
not touch. You can also use tools to track the progress of passing versus failing tests
from one build to the next. You can also monitor performance and cause a test to fail
if its performance has degraded compared to a previous build.
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