Java Reference
In-Depth Information
If you add another test to the CalculatorTest class, like testSubtract , and you
annotate it with the @Test , the default Suite would automatically include it.
The Suite object is a Runner that executes all of the @Test annotated methods
in the test class. Listing 2.3 shows how to compose multiple test classes in a single
test suite.
Listing 2.3
Composing a Suite from test classes
@RunWith(value=org.junit.runners.Suite. class )
@SuiteClasses(value={FolderConfigurationTest. class ,
FileConfigurationTest. class })
public class FileSystemConfigurationTestSuite {
In listing 2.3, we specify the appropriate runner with the @RunWith annotation B and
list the tests we want to include in this test by specifying the test classes in the @Suite-
Classes annotation C . All the @Test methods from these classes will be included in
the Suite .
For the CalculatorTest in listing 2.1, you can represent the default Suite like this:
public class AllTests {
Composing a suite of suites
Because of the clever way JU nit is constructed, it's possible to create a suite of test
suites. For example, listing 2.4 concatenates various files to show how test cases make
up suites, which in turn make up a master suite.
Listing 2.4
Suite of suites
public class TestCaseA {
public void testA1() {
// omitted
public class TestCaseB {
public void testB1() {
// omitted
@RunWith(value=Suite .class )
@SuiteClasses(value = {TestCaseA .class })
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