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Running Ant scripts from NetBeans
To run an Ant script from NetBeans, first you need to open the Files perspective. You
can do that by choosing the Window > Files menu. Then navigate to your project and
right-click the build.xml. There should be Run Target item in the context menu.
From there you can choose the targets that you want to execute. You can also specify
which of the targets should be your default target.
If you want to add additional libraries to the Ant installation, it's good to know
that NetBeans uses its own Ant installation. You can add your additional JAR files
in the lib/ folder of the NetBeans Ant installation (normally this would be
[ NETBEANS_INSTALLATION ]/java2/ant/lib).
Figure D.13 shows the output of the execution of an Ant build script in NetBeans.
Figure D.13
Results from executing the Ant script in NetBeans
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