Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing A.8
Timeout parameter in the @Test annotation
public class CalculatorTest {
public void testSomethingTimeConsuming() {
New JUnit runners
This section briefly covers some of the new JU nit runners included in JU nit 4.x.
Test runners
The 3.x version of JU nit comes with Swing and AWT test runners that are no longer
part of the JU nit distribution. The test runner façade that you can use to start your
tests from the console is now called org.junit.JUnitCore .
With no GUI test runners included in the distribution, the only way to glimpse the
old green bar is to use your favorite IDE ; they all have JU nit 4.x support.
Test suites
The old way of constructing sets of your tests involved writing a suite() method and
manually inserting all the tests that you want to be present in the suite. Because the
new version of JU nit is annotation oriented, it seems somehow logical that the con-
struction of suites is also done by means of annotation. Further, the suite construction
is done not by one annotation but by two annotations: the @RunWith and @Suite-
Classes annotations.
The first annotation lets you define test runners that you can use to run your tests.
The @RunWith annotation accepts a parameter called value , where you need to specify
the test runner to run your suite: Suite.class . This test runner is included with JU nit,
along with some other runners. But in this annotation you can also specify a custom
runner. You can find out how to implement your own JU nit runners in appendix B.
The second annotation declares all the tests that you want to include in the suite.
You list the classes that hold your tests in the value parameter of the @SuiteClasses
Listing A.9 shows how to construct test suites in JU nit 4.x.
Listing A.9
Constructing test suites with JUnit 4.x
@RunWith(value=Suite. class )
@SuiteClasses(value={CalculatorTest. class , ComputerTest. class })
public class CalculatorTests {
Some people find the way test suites are done in JU nit 4.x unnatural, and indeed, at
first sight it is. But once you start writing tests, you'll see that there's nothing unnatural
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