Java Reference
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Listing A.6
Exception handling the old 3.x way
public void testDivisionByZero() {
Calculator c = new Calculator();
try {
fail("Exception should have been raised, but was not");
} catch (ArithmeticException expected) {
assertTrue("Sanity check", true );
Basically, what you do is surround the troublesome code with a try-catch block B and
after that deliberately fail the test C if the exception was not thrown. A good practice
is also to place a dummy assert in the catch clause D just to make sure you always pass
through the catch clause.
In JU nit 4 we have a better solution for handling exceptional situations than we
had in JU nit 3. Every time you want to make sure that an exception is thrown, you can
use an expected parameter with the @Test annotation. Listing A.7 shows you how to
ensure that an Arithmetic exception is thrown.
Listing A.7
Exception handling with the expected parameter of the @Test annotation
public class CalculatorTest {
@Test(expected=ArithmeticException. class )
public void testDivisionByZero() {
Calculator c = new Calculator();
c.divide( 5, 0 );
As you can see in B , we've added the expected attribute to the @Test annotation to
denote that this method is supposed to throw an exception of the provided type.
Timeout testing
Another parameter you can add to the @Test annotation is the timeout parameter.
This feature was also missing in the “old” JU nit. With this parameter, you can specify a
value in milliseconds that you expect to be the upper limit of the time you spend exe-
cuting your test. What happens when the time runs out? An exception will be raised,
and the test will marked as failed, telling you that the test couldn't finish execution in
the given Test timeout parameter. Listing A.8 shows you how to use the timeout
parameter of the @ annotation.
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