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Junit-addons' PrivateAccessor class provides methods similar to the ones we imple-
mented from scratch in the previous section. The only differences are the name ( get-
Field() and setField() , instead of get() and set() ); how they're implemented
(although the logic is the same, they use for instead of while ); and the fact that get-
Field() doesn't return a parameterized value (because JU nit-addons predates Java 5).
Using PrivateAccessor directly, we'd rewrite our set DAO statement at setFix-
tures() as
PrivateAccessor.setField(facade, "userDao", dao);
Although using PrivateAccessor directly is fine, it has three drawbacks: getField()
isn't parameterized (so you'd need to cast its returned value on each test case), the
caller would have to check for NoSuchFieldException , and you'd have to add a direct
dependency on a third-party tool on all test cases (which would make it harder to
switch to another tool later on). A better approach would be to use PrivateAccessor
indirectly in the TestingHelper methods, rather than in the test cases themselves, as
shown in listing 19.9.
Listing 19.9 TestingHelper refactored to use JUnit-addons
import junitx.util.PrivateAccessor;
public class TestingHelperJUnitAddons {
public static void set( Object object, String fieldName,
Object newValue ) {
try {
PrivateAccessor.setField(object, fieldName, newValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Could not set value of field '" +
fieldName + "' on object " + object + " to " + newValue, e );
public static <T> T get(Object object, String fieldName) {
try {
Object value = PrivateAccessor.getField(object, fieldName);
T castValue = (T) value;
return castValue;
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Could not get value of field '" +
fieldName + "' from object " + object, e );
PrivateAccessor also provides a few more methods, such as invoke() (to invoke any
instance or static method), and overloaded versions of getField() and setField() to
deal with static methods.
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