Java Reference
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--- Difference details ---
=> User<id=0, username=null, firstName="Jeffrey", lastName="Lebowsky",
=> User<id=0, username="ElDuderino", firstName="Jeffrey",
lastName="Lebowsky", telephones=[]>
username => null
username => "ElDuderino"
Not only did it find the difference, but it printed both brief and detailed messages of
what went wrong (and all assertion methods from this class behave this way).
If you want to ignore the fields that are null , you need to pass the Reflection-
ComparatorMode.IGNORE_DETAILS mode as a parameter, such as assertReflection-
Equals(user1, user2, IGNORE_DETAILS) . Be aware that the order is important
here, because fields are ignored only when their value is null in the expected param-
eter. Calling assertReflectionEquals(user2, user1, IGNORE_DETAILS) with these
same User instances would fail, whereas assertReflectionEquals(user1, user2,
IGNORE_DETAILS) would pass.
The other two comparison modes are LENIENT_DATES , which ignores in the
comparison any field that's a java.util.Date , and LENIENT_ORDER , which is rele-
vant only when comparing collections. Because the lenient comparison is common,
most of the ReflectionAssert assertReflection XXX () methods offer a counter-
part called assertLenient XXX () that automatically includes IGNORE_DETAILS and
LENIENT_ORDER , such as assertLenientEquals(Object expect, Object actual) .
The idea behind this behavior is that in many cases the functionality being tested
doesn't fill every field of an object, and having to compare all of them would
require a lot more work. That's particularly useful in database access tests, such as
in a getLoginAndPassword() method where the user's table has dozens of fields but
only two of them are filled and need to be compared.
These methods can also be used to compare collections. For instance, using the
lists defined a few examples ago and calling assertReflectionEquals(LIST1, LIST4)
results in the following:
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Found following differences:
=> 23
=> 108
=> 42
=> 23
--- Difference details ---
=> [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]
=> [4, 8, 15, 16, 108, 23]
[4] => 23
[4] => 108
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