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Back to our test cases, the dataset files contain references to the ID columns (both
as primary key in the users table and foreign key on telephones), and because we're
using the same dataset for both load and save, the ID values must be defined dynami-
cally at the time the test is run. If we used distinct datasets, the ID s wouldn't matter on
the load test (because JPA wouldn't be persisting entities, only loading them), and for
the save tests, we could ignore them. The problem with this option is that it makes it
harder to write and maintain the test cases. It would require two datasets and also
changes in the DataSetsTemplateRunner.assertDataSet() method in order to
ignore the ID columns. Because our goal is always to facilitate long-term maintenance,
we opted for using the same dataset, and hence we need a solution for the ID synchro-
nization problem.
Listing 18.10 tried to solve the problem the simplest way, by letting the test case
update the ID s, but that approach had many issues. A better approach is to integrate
the dataset ID 's maintenance with the JPA 's entity ID 's generation, and there are two
ways to achieve such integration: taking control of ID generation or being notified of
the generated ID s.
Generating ID s for persistent objects isn't a simple task, because there are many
complex aspects to be taken into account, such as concurrent ID generation in dif-
ferent transactions. Besides, when you use this approach, your test cases won't be
reflecting the real application scenario (and hence they could hide potential prob-
lems). For these reasons, we choose the second approach: being notified of the gen-
erated ID s.
Using pure JPA , it's possible to define a listener for entity lifecycle events (like
object creation, update, and deletion). But this approach doesn't work well in our
case, because these events don't provide a clear way to obtain the ID of the saved
objects. A better solution is to use vendor-specific extensions.
Hibernate provides its own API for lifecycle events, with listeners for many pre and
post events. In particular, it provides a PostInsertEventListener interface with an
onPostInsert(PostInsertEvent event) method, and the event itself contains a refer-
ence to both the entity inserted and the generated ID .
The PostInsertEventListener API solves part of our problem: our test cases
now can be notified of the ID s generated for each object. Good, but now what? Well,
the answer relies on our good, old friend EL (Expression Language, introduced in
chapter 17, section 17.7.3). So far, we've been using simple variable resolution (like
${id} ) on our datasets. But EL also supports function resolution, so we could have a
function that returns an ID for a given class and then use a PostInsertEvent-
Listener to set the values returned by the function. Let's start with the new dataset,
shown in listing 18.11.
Listing 18.11
New version of user-with-telephone.xml dataset, using EL functions
<users id="${db:id('User')}" username="ElDuderino"
first_name="Jeffrey" last_name="Lebowsky" />
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