Java Reference
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protected void beginTransaction() {
protected void commitTransaction() {
protected void commitTransaction( boolean clearContext) {
if ( clearContext ) {
The first step is to create an EntityManagerFactory , and as this is an expensive opera-
tion, it's done only once, using the @Before annotation. Notice that this initialization
doesn't contain any information about the JPA provider (Hibernate) or database
( HSQLDB ) used in the test case. That information is defined in the persistence.xml
and files (shown in listings 18.7 and 18.8, respectively).
Although when you use JPA you don't need to deal with low-level JDBC interfaces
directly, DbUnit needs a database connection. You could define the JDBC settings
for this connection in a properties file, but that would be redundant; it's better
to extract the JDBC connection from JPA 's entity manager. Also notice that such
reuse is the reason why this chapter's AbstractJpaDbUnitTestCase (which isn't
shown here either, but is the same as chapter's 17 AbstractDbUnitTestCase ) extends
AbstractJpaTestCase , and not vice versa. If @BeforeClass methods didn't have to
be static, such reversal of fortune wouldn't be necessary: AbstractJpaDbUnitTest-
Case could define a protected getConnection() method, which in turn would be
overridden by AbstractJpaTestCase .
Don't forget to close at @After what you opened at @Before !
The EntityManager , which is the object effectively used by the test cases, is created
before each test method and closed thereafter. This is the way JPA is supposed to be
used, and this object creation is cheap.
Unfortunately, there's no standard way to extract the JDBC Connection from the JPA
EntityManagerFactory , so it's necessary to use proprietary API s from the chosen
JPA vendors.
Because our test cases will manually manage transactions, it's convenient to create
helper methods for this task.
Similarly, some test cases will test how objects behave outside the JPA context, so we
define an overloaded commitTransaction() , which also clears the context.
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The JPA configuration is quite simple: persistence.xml (listing 18.7) only defines a per-
sistence-unit name, and the vendor-specific configuration is defined in hibernate.prop-
erties (listing 18.8). Such a split is a good practice, because if the test cases must change
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